
miles's second birthday

we had a low-key celebration for miles this year.  we just invited my family over for dinner and then watched miles open presents.  even though it was just a few people coming over, i still wanted to make a big deal out of his birthday because i wanted miles to feel like it was a special day.  we did a zoo theme and decorated the house so he would be surprised when he woke up.  when wade brought him out of his room in the morning and he saw the lanterns hanging on the light he said, "ooohhh wow!" he had a good time helping me make his birthday cake and he had even more fun eating it!  and he finally understands opening presents and that there are fun things inside, so it was fun to watch him get excited.


susette said...

It was a fun little birthday! I hope my new camera will take cool pictures like yours. I hope you're prepared to teach me a little bit.

Tina said...

I can't believe he's two!? Which means my little boy is almost two too!? No!! They grow up so fast! But it looks like he had such a fun birthday! And I love your decorations...I might have to copy them for Sully's B-day! :)

The Risenmays said...

Such a cute party! Miles has changed so much since I last saw him. What a cutie! I love the picture of him with his hand in the candy jar :) His little mouth is already full and he's going for more. We should get together sometime.

Kristine L. said...

He is so stinking cute! Those decorations are adorable. Where did you get those 3 lanterns? those are like the exact colors of owens room.

Jenn said...

Oh my gosh those decorations are SO SO cute! I can't believe he's 2!