(holga. rockport, ma)
i feel like someone took everything i own, messed it all around, threw it in some boxes and shoved it in my parent's garage.
someone did.
and it still hasn't been unpacked. why? because we don't know how long we are staying at my parent's. and so it seems silly to unpack. and so every day, i venture into the garage, looking for some random item that i happen to need, only it's nowhere to be found, because surprise, we weren't exactly organized when we packed up all our stuff. in fact, i think we were so excited to get out of the apartment, that we just grabbed everything in sight and stuffed it into a truck. and if i recall, i think i may have said something to the effect of, "good riddance, apartment."
and it's okay if you're starting to think i'm bipolar, because really i might be. someday's i love boston, and other days i walk outside and see those glorious mountains towering over me and i take a deep breath and it doesn't smell like garbage and i hate it all over again. so yes. i will be bipolar and you can just get over it or stop reading my blog because probably every other post will go like this:
i hate boston.
oh wait, today...
i miss boston.
and really, nothing else goes on in my head except that, and work, and photography sessions, and stopping miles from falling down the stairs, or eating the door stops off the back of the door, or crunching ritz crackers and throwing them all over the floor. and quite frankly, my life has become quite boring. and i think i'm finally getting to the point of why i don't blog anymore. but if you know me at all, you'll know that it usually takes me this long to make a point because it usually includes a lot of boring background information. and what was the point again? oh yes, i don't blog anymore. and why? apparently because all my stuff is in boxes and for some reason that hinders my ability to type on a keyboard.
also, my giveaway ends tomorrow, so if you want free pictures then you sure as heck better hurry up and enter!
oh and one more thing!!
who are you englewood, colorado??
yes, i have a tracker, and yes, i see you...
and i don't mind one bit if you want to read my blog 7 times a day,
but i do mind if you are a creeper.
and thusly, i will have to make my blog private if you don't fess up.
(i am aware that i just made up a word. but thusly seems to fit at the moment.)
so if you are a friendly sort of person, can you just please email me? kaliandwade @ gmail . com
i promise not to submit you to public humiliation.
i will just feel relief that you aren't plotting to kidnap my baby and carry on my merry blogging way.