I absolutely hate washing my make-up off before I go to bed.
I rarely do it. Don't call me gross. I still have otherwise good hygiene ok?
That being said, I want to start washing my face, so any of your favorite skin care product recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
by the way...
**it still counts!!**
as long as you comment on any of the entries by the end of the month, you're entered! you don't have to do it on the day posted. (does that make you feel better arlene? :) )
I never wash my face either. I sleep in my makeup. I don't care who judges me. BUT. Lately I have been using baby wipes. They work wonders on removing mascara. Try it and let me know what you think :)
i never wash my face, unless in the shower and then I just use a bar of soap.
My MIL often uses baby wash on her face (she washes every night)
I don't wash my face at night either...I'm just too tired. I do wash it in the morning though!
I wash my face every morning and mostly every night.. I learned from my husband who has amazing skin, proactiv.. sure, its pricey but honestly i think it gives a glow to your skin :)
So, I was cursed with bad acne. I've been fighting it since I was 11 years old. Crazy right? I've tried honestly EVERYTHING. Can I tell you the one thing that has worked the best for me? Skin id. Have you seen those comercials? Yeah, it works. It's really expensive but so worth it!
yes, I feel better...thank you.
Washing your face at night. Hmm, what a novel idea. I don't do that either and some people do think it is REALLY sick, but hey, if you don't wear a ton of makeup what's the big deal? My friends husband spends at least a half hour in the bathroom every night washing his face, brushing and flossing etc, etc. I think that is ridiculous. So..otherwise good hygiene is fine by me.
So, I don't wear make up very often just because I can't go to bed unless it's washed off. I totally can't handle having my face feel nasty. And quite frankly I just don't have time or energy to wash it off after a long day at home:)
I always dread taking my make up off! My mom always told me that if I didn't take my make up off my eyelashes would break off. I don't even know if its true, but it scared me so I always did it. I hate doing it, but I hate the feeling of it still on when I wake up.
If you hate washing your face you should get make up removing wipes. Walmart has cheap ones that I keep in my gym bag or use to take tanning. My face would look like the moon if I didn't wash my face even ONE night. So. un. fair.
I can hardly sleep if I don't wash my make up before I go to bed. I LOVE washing it off! I feel so fresh.
I wash mine in the shower everynight, with cold water and my body soap.. It doesnt dry out my face! I've tried other things and I've hated them! My sisters love Mary Kay's wash..
I like St. Ives Apricot scrub, but only for a once in awhile use.....like 2x a week, maybe 3
It is pretty much physically impossible for me to go to sleep if I haven't washed my face. I have maybe done it like twice in my life. I have my mother to thank for that...and she has pretty good looking skin for a 50 something year old lady.
I hate make-up period. :D
Kali, you need to take advice from an esthetician such as myself.. you NEED to wash your make up off everynight! It dries up and clogs your pores..they say that everynight you leave your make up on it ages you 7 days. I know that you want to stay young looking with great skin...:) when you move back i will for sure take care of you and your skins needs but i cant help you very much this far away! Try a cleanser with an active ingredient like glcolic acid.. it will exfoliate and keep your pores cleaned out!
I forget to do it a lot, but it doesn't really matter too much since I usually don't wear much.
I don't wash my face before bed either. Waste of time.
I hate water on my face, so it doesn't get washed as often as it should. Avon has a good variety of facial products & they are cheap too! I've noticed a huge difference since I've started using their products.
Yeah, I don't wash my face either at night, I guess we're all gross! ha, just kiddin
I only wear a little bit of eye makeup, so I don't worry about it either! ;) Turns out you're not so gross after all!
I hate washing my makeup off too.... but I hate more going to bed with it on. I use mary kay products and they work awesome! My mother-in-law gets awesome deals with them and gives me stuff... so if you can find a good deal I'd recommend it! The oily eye make-up remover is SO EASY to use and takes everything off fast.
I haven't ever washed my makeup off of my face before bed. I don't know... call me lazy...
I usually just use a warm water washcloth. That feels the best to me. I've tried to do better washing my face before bed because I hate mascara all over my pillow cases. Blaugh...
I do forget sometimes.
I love Olay facial moisturizer though. It's perfect.
I always wash my face at night. I would absolutely not be able to sleep if I didn't.
Favourite skin care products: Alverde naturkosmetic. Sorry, you can't get it in the US, I'll have to send you some. It's wonderful, "natural" (almost organic) and inexpensive!
the best ever is bare essentials face wash and lotion. seriously, you are zit free with that stuff. gotta get some. i hate washing my face too. and lots of times dont. and it still works, carries over for the days i dont!
I can't sleep without washing my face at night. I don't use anything fancy, just a good old bar of dove soap and dove moisturizer. Works for me :)
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