my freshman year in college, we took turns doing the dishes on different nights of the week. on my particular night, there just so happened to be A LOT of dishes piled in the sink and all over the counters. I did my duty and cleaned every last single one of them. When I got to the last dish, my roommate walked in and said,
"Why are you washing the dishes with the TOILET BRUSH?"
and then everyone ganged up on me and made me wash them all again.
in my defense, i truly believe you should not store the toilet brush under the kitchen sink...
serioulsy though, WHO put the toilet brush under the KITCHEN SINK?
They should have been the one rewashing. SICK!
although, I have to say...I feel like a toilet brush might be cleaner than a kitchen sink sponge?!??
Haha Kali, that is pretty gross. I agree, toilet brush under the sink? Thats gross too:) In college my roommates also were supposed to take turns washing the dishes, but they never did and I was always the one doing them!
We all washed our own dishes in college. Not sure if that was a better system or not.
I always ended up washing BRANDON'S roommates dishes on his night cause no one else ever did them!
Kali, I can't even begin to compete with that one. However, if it had been me and I found out I was washing dishes with a toilet brush, the dishes would have been gathered up and dumped in the trash. I don't think I could have gotten past the toilet brush washing to ever put food on them again. Auntie M.
Why they heck was the toilet brush in the kitchen?
PS I despise dishes, they are Gary's official chore.
No, toilet brushes should be under the BATHROOM sink.
My roomates and I were not neat, but we had one neat roomate, Annie, and we LOVED her. One day we came home and she had cleaned the main living room, kitchen area. But then we got into baking and somehow got into a 'flour' fight .... needless to say we made a mess of the place. We left it bc it was 2 am and wanted to go to bed. The next morning she very politely told us that it really 'chapped her hide' that we had made a mess RIGHT after she cleaned - and then didn't clean it up. we felt really bad and cleaned it right up!!
Who does that!? ;) Dishes never got done at my apartment freshman year, unless I did them. I went on strike and made some good enemy's!
When I was a freshman in college, we did our own dishes..
I have the college college dishes! Actually, I like to wash the dishes. It's one of those things that can look soooo messy and just make the kitchen horrible, BUT, when they are done...everything looks sooo good. (I think doing the dishes goes pretty fast also) Very gratifying..UNTIL someone comes in right the second you are done, grabs a glass and gets a drink. UUGGHH!
haha! gross! once when i was a kid i drove the lawn mover into the window well. that's the only story i can think of.
Thank you Kali for that good laugh. I've read this post and the one you did yesterday to my co-workers. We had a great laugh. Can't say that I've can relate to this one... but it made me think of something else gross. Lyndi and I ate dog jerky once to see how it compared to beef jerky.
Not the same. At all ;)
Hahahahaha oh my. We have some funny memories from that year and that is definitely a good one. But let's really think about this. Did that little bathroom ever get cleaned?? In all honesty that toilet brush had probably never been used!
So gross.. I agree bathroom things should be kept in the bathroom and kitchen things should be kept in the kitchen!! Now that you have shared that I wonder if any of them have securitly cleaned with it..
OHFREAK... that's funny!!! *:D* I think it's weird that they put the toilet brush in the kitchen... but awesome for us because I'm still laughing about it! :)
Oh... Jillian told you about our Jerky-Taste-Test... sick.
Well, let's see... I don't really like doing the dishes. I like doing the laundry lots more. I guess I like clean clothes more than clean dishes. :P I'm getting better, but I salute you for doing the dishes at all! ;)
K, that seriously made me want to puke. BUT! WHY the heck would they keep it under the sink? They kind've deserved that one. I can relate with the dish day though. I did that too!
That is hilarious, Kali. I hope you used hot water and some bleach when you washed them the 2nd time. When I was in college (the first time) I hated doing dishes, so I would let them pile up until my roommate got so fed up, she would do them. BUT. in my defense, I was the one who did all the vacuuming and cleaned the bathroom and stuff like that.
I was a terrible roommate, I know this. I won't deny it.
I found out I was allergic to Sulfer when I was 3 and my dr. had given me an antibiotic with Sulfer in it. It gave me hives all over my body and I ended up in the hospital cuz it made my throat swell up and crap like that. So ever since then, I've known I'm allergic to it. However, I didn't know I was so allergic to it that I would have that bad of a reaction just from being in the same room where there were sulfur vapors. I didn't even touch it! I guess I better get an epi pen or something.
wow. that was the longest comment ever.
pretty sure it should could as TWO entries for your giveaway.
just sayin...
Wow Kali! That's pretty gross. I'm glad they made you do it over again. :D I really dislike doing dishes, and like you it seems like there are a lot more dishes on my night. :) We have a system in our house too...usually works pretty well. :D
I would have made your roommates rewash the dishes! You're too nice!
I never had the roommate experience, would have been fun though & I wish I would have looking back now...
By the way - I HATE doing dishes.
I hate washing dishes, I avoid it whenever possible - until I absolutely have to. haha
ahhahaha that is so funny. I agree with you though, toliet brushes SHOULD NOT be under the sink. I swear dishes were the cause of 3/4 of our roommate arguments... ugh. I couldn't stand the dirty dishes!!
Good laugh, kali!
I actually like doing the dishes--always have since I was a kid. My mom would tie an apron up under my arms and let me stand on a chair and splash around in the sink. Pretty sure we had to mop the floor when I was finished though.
YUCK! I would ask you to do the dishes again too. Haha! I agree that you should not keep the toilet bowl brush under the sink. Guarantee my husband would make the same mistake if I did that.
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